Happy Wednesday Church,

I pray God is giving you opportunities to make disciples in your circles of influence today. We are praying for your faithfulness and fruitfulness with the people you interact with every day for the sake of the gospel.

This year, in lieu of our normal Blessing the Bay Area service event, we will be collaborating with the 4B Disaster Response Network and Eight Days of Hope to rebuild 800+ homes in the 4B area. Please watch this 4 minute video and begin planning how you and your family and even your LifeGroup can be a part of the largest short-term rebuild effort known in U.S. History. We, Bay Area Church, can’t miss this incredible opportunity to love our neighbors still sitting in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. 

This Sunday, I will be telling you more about Eight Days of Hope as we gather in worship. We will focus on Ephesians 1:15-2:10 in our new message series if you would like to read ahead. Let’s stun the people of the 4B area with the love of Christ. You are loved.

Pastor Brian


Eight Days of Hope – Pastor Brian from Bay Area Church on Vimeo.