Faith Talk 7/14/24

Series: Daniel: Hope for Every Generation Title: Daniel’s Vision: The Antichrist Text: Daniel 8    What is the antichrist like based on Daniel 8?   When you consider things are not in your control does it lead you to fear or faith?   Where does our hope...

Faith Talk: 7/7/24

Daniel: Your Kingdom Come Daniel 7:1-28 July 7, 2024 Faith Talk Questions 1. Describe the four beasts from Daniel 7. How are the different from one another and how are they similar? 2. Read Daniel 7:9-10. What do we learn in these verses about the Ancient of Days? 3....

Faith Talk 6-23-24

Series: Daniel: Hope for Every Generation Title: The Pride of Kings (Part 2) Text: Daniel 5 (Stand and Read Daniel 5:1-12)   Faith Talk for Daniel 5   How did Belshazzar blaspheme God?   What is the difference between how Nebuchadnezzar responds to God...

Faith Taklk 6/16/24

Series: Daniel Title: The Pride of Kings – Part 1 Nebuchadnezzar’s Pride Text: Daniel 4 (Stand and Read Daniel 4:1-18)   Faith talk questions   What was Nebudchadnezzar’s problem?   Why do you think God allowed Nebudchadnezzar to experience...

Faith Talk 06/02/24

Series: Daniel: Hope for Every Generation Title: The Train of Kingdoms Text: Daniel 2    Faith talk questions for Daniel 2.   After reading Daniel 2, what do you learn about God?   What is the difference between global empires or nations and the Kingdom...