SERIES: Certain Future  

Week #1 – Certain Resurrection

John 5:24-29

BIG IDEA: Even when life is full of uncertainties, we can be certain of the resurrection of Jesus and the promise of resurrection for those who follow Him.   


In the midst of these uncertain times, there are some things we know are certain

  1. The Resurrection of Jesus is Certain
  2. Your Resurrection is Certain


Begin your session with prayer and use the following questions/discussion to get the conversation started…

As Pastor Brian mentioned this week and as many have echoed in this season, “these are definitely uncertain times.” Take a few minutes to talk more about the uncertainties we are facing and how they are impacting our lives and the lives of others. 

Q. What are some of the uncertainties you are personally facing during this pandemic? 

Q. What are some of the uncertainties others you know are facing during this pandemic? 

Q. How are these uncertainties impacting your daily lives and the lives of others during this time? 

Q. Why is it important to know what is truly certain and uncertain in life? How do these certain things give us strength during times of uncertainty?


Re-read John 5:24-29 and then use the following questions to guide your discussion. 

  • What were the two certainties Pastor Brian mentioned in this week’s message? 
  • How can we be certain of the resurrection of Jesus? What evidence do we have that proves Jesus really did rise from the grave? 
  • What eye witness testimony do we see in the Bible that confirms the resurrection? What is significant about these accounts? 
  • How does the certainty of Jesus’ resurrection help us when we face times of uncertainty? 
  • What does John 5:24-29 say about our promised resurrection? 
  • How does the resurrection of Jesus give us confidence in our promised resurrection in Him? 
  • How does the certainty of our promised resurrection help us when we face times of uncertainty? 
  • What is your main take-away from this week’s message? What is God saying to you, specifically? 
  • What are you going to do in response to this Sunday’s message? How can you apply these truths to your life over the next seven days?


It’s easy to take these two certainties for granted or even allow the current uncertainties of life to distract us from them. But these two truths are vital to living a life of hope and joy! It’s the certainties in life that keep us strong when the uncertainties come.   

Q. What can we do to help stay focused on these certainties in an uncertain time? 

As you conclude, take time to pray for one another. Take time to thank God for the certainty of Jesus’ resurrection and our resurrection in Him. Pray that each person in your group will keep these certainties front and center in their mind and heart this week. Pray for whatever needs the members of your group have during this time. 


  • John 5:24-29
  • Psalm 16:10
  • Acts 2:22-28
  • Acts 17:1-3
  • John 20:18
  • 1 Corinthians 15:3-8
  • Ephesians 2:1&5
  • Matthew 27:51-53
  • 1 Corinthians 15:52
  • James 2:14-18
  • Romans 10:9-10

NEXT WEEK’S MESSAGE: Certain Future: Part #2 – Death