LG June 28, 2020

SERIES: Trust and Obey   Week #1: Hope and Holiness in Difficult Times  1 Peter 1  MESSAGE PREVIEW:  These are difficult days. Not the same difficulty as the recipients of Peter’s letter were facing, but they are still difficult. What can we stand...

LG June 14, 2020

SERIES: What Am I Doing with My Life?    Week #2 – Finding Significance in Life  Mark 10:35-44 BIG IDEA: Success isn’t bad. It isn’t even unbiblical. It just isn’t the same thing as significance.   MESSAGE PREVIEW:  What do we mean when...

LG June 7, 2020

MESSAGE: Racism and the Kingdom of God    Matthew 22:37-39 MESSAGE PREVIEW:  The events of the past week have once again brought the topic of race and racism to the forefront of our culture. What is the church of Jesus Christ to be and to do when it...