Faith talk for Revelation 18-19:5

Series: Revelation Part 2 (New Exodus) Title: The Dirge of Babylon Text; Revelation 18-19:5 1. Why should “Babylon be judged? 2. What does it mean for a follower of Jesus to “be in the world but not of the world?” 3. How long does it take for Babylon and all of her...

Faith talk for Revelation 17.

Series: Revelation (part 2) New Exodus Title: The Judgment of Apostate Religion Text: Revelation 17 Faith talk for Revelation 17. 1. What does the “Great Prostitute” represent? 2. What is the purpose of the beast and the woman? 3. How and why does Jesus judge the...

Faith Talk “The Righteous Fury of God”

Series: Revelation (Part 2) – The New Exodus Title: The Righteous Fury of God Text: Revelation 15-16:21 (Stand and Read Revelation 15:1-8 1. Why is God Righteous in executing the judgments in the book of Revelation? 2. Why do you think people don’t repent even...

Faith Talk 2/27/22

Series: Revelation (Pt. 2) – the New Exodus Title: Seeing What John Saw in the Tribulation Text: Revelation 12-14 (Stand and Read Revelation 12) Faith talk for “Seeing what John Saw in the Tribulation (Rev. 12-14) 1. What do you learn about Jesus in these...

Faith Talk for “Trumpet Judgments”

Series: Revelation (Part 2) – The New Exodus Title: The Trumpet Judgments Text: Revelation 8-11 Faith Talk for “Trumpet Judgments” 1. After hearing the sermon and reading the Text, how would you describe the Great Tribulation? 2. Who or what do you fear most?...