Faith Talk: 1/9/22

Series: Revelation – A message to the churches Title: Apokalypsis Text: Revelation 1:1-20 1. What is an Apokalypsis? Why does this make Revelation a message to understand verses a code to be cracked? 2. Based on Revelation 1:1-20 what do you learn about Jesus?...

Faith talk 1/2/22

The Blessed Life in 2022 Ps. 1 1/2/22 Share with your family/friends or write down one of your takeaways from the message. How do you typically think about what is means to be “blessed”? Does it line up with the picture provided in Psalm 1? Which of the four reasons...

Faith Talk 12/19/21

Series: Advent: The Light Has Come Title: Advent Joy Text: Matthew 2:7-12 1. Define joy biblically. 2. Do you find joy to be a struggle in your own life? Why or why not? 3. In our passage, the magi find joy in following God’s guidance, being in the presence of Jesus,...

Faith Talk – 12/5/21

Series: Advent: The Light Has Come Title: Advent Hope Text: Isaiah 9:1-2, 6-7 Describe the kind of hope a person walking in deep darkness feels when a light is shone.Look at the names Isaiah uses to describe Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. How do those names bring you hope?Who...

Faith Talk – 11/28/21

Faith Talk Questions Living Christ for Real – Wk. 5 How God Provides for the Mission Phil. 4:10-20 Have you ever been in a situation that you could not rely on yourself and had to rely on the Lord’s strength? If so, how did it go? What do you think people’s general...