Faith talk for Sunday, January 21

Series: Romans  Text: Romans 9:1-18 Title: God’s Sovereign Choice   Faith talk for Sunday, January 21   What does it mean to say God is sovereign?   Who are the children of the promise according to Romans 9:6-8?   What comfort does it bring to you...

Faith Talk 1-14-24

Faith Talk Questions 1. What does Paul mean when he writes: “If God is for us, who can be against us? How can we know this is true? 2. What does it mean to be justified? How does Romans 8:33 give us assurance of God’s love and faith? 3. Why is God’s answer to our...

Faith Talk – 1/7/24

Romans – Wk. 11 Rom. 8:18-30 Faith Talk Questions 1. Talk about a time when you endured something that was difficult. How were you able to endure? What motivated your endurance? 2. What are the things that Paul highlights for Christians to face suffering well? (HINT:...

Faith Talk: 12/17/23

Series: Advent 2023: Shalom to Chaos Title: Perfect Love in Chaos Text: 1 John 4:7-10   How do we know God loves us?   Since the Bible says, “God is love,” how does the love of God impact every other  characteristic of God? His judgment, His justice, His...

Faith Talk – 12/10/23

Faith Talk for Advent Joy.    Who is the only source of true Joy?   How can we have joy even when our circumstances are chaotic?   Why is the news of Jesus Christ characterized as “good news of great joy?”   What examples does the Bible give of...