Faith Talk Questions Advent – Peace

Faith Talk Questions Advent – Peace 2 Thess. 3:16 12/3/23 1. Before hearing the sermon, how would you have defined peace? What pictures come to mind? How does your definition compare to how peace was described in the sermon? 2. What are sources, other than Jesus, that...

Faith Talk Romans 8:12-17

Series: Book of Romans Title: The Family of God Text: Romans 8:12-17   Faith Talk for Romans 8:12-17.   What does it mean to be adopted by God as sons and daughters? (Romans 8:15)   What does it mean to be “heirs of God?” (Romans 8:17)   What does...

Faith talk questions for 11-5-23

Series: Romans Title: No Condemnation in Christ Text: Romans 8:1-11   Faith talk questions for Romans 8:1-11   Why is there “no condemnation” for those who are in Christ Jesus?   What work does the Holy Spirit do to ensure we are not condemned?  ...

Faith Talk 10-22-23

Series: Romans Title: A New Way of Living Text: Romans 6:1-14; 22-23   Faith talk for Romans 6:1-14 and 22-23   What does it mean to be buried with Jesus by baptism into death and raise to walk in newness of life?    What is the difference in the way of...

Faith Talk: Romans 5:1-11

Series: Romans Title: Celebrate The Justifier  Text” Romans 5:1-11   Faith Talk questions for Romans 5:1-11   What reasons do we have to celebrate or rejoice as followers of Jesus?   How does God demonstrate his love for us?   How do we know God...