Dear Church,

We have been working diligently this summer to complete the construction of the “Champions Club.” This is a significant space just to the west of our Worship Center designed specifically to disciple children with special needs. We are very excited to offer this ministry for families in the 4B area who simply feel they can’t come to church because there is not a place created with special needs in mind or trained volunteers who can adequately minister to special needs children. At Bay Area Church we are ready to say, “We are here for you.”

Our plan is to launch the Champions Club ministry this fall. We have one obstacle. We need to purchase state of the art equipment designed especially for children with special needs. The total cost for this equipment is $36,000.00. We recently received a gift for $6,000.00 for this equipment. We still need $30,000.00. If you would like to be a part of helping us reach families with special needs children you can give today and make a huge difference for the Kingdom sake. Simply go to our website, and select “Champions Club Furnishings.” Everything you give will go directly to purchasing the equipment for the Champions Club. Anything we receive above $30,000.00 will be immediately rolled into the ministry budget of Bay Area Church.

We have been dreaming about this ministry for 5 years now. We are so close. Thanks for all that you will do to help us reach families with special needs children.

You are loved!

Pastor Brian