Bay Area Family,

In consideration of the public health concerns related to COVID-19, we will not be hosting Sunday services, programs, or events on campus through the end of March. This includes the Home Life Conference that was scheduled for March 20-22nd. Our leadership will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates if we need to lengthen this timeframe.
Worship services will be streamed online via our Facebook page at 9:30am and 11:00am and posted to our website later that same day. In addition, we are working on ways to provide you with additional resources, family activities, and opportunities to connect virtually with others during this time.

Please do join us on Sundays via Facebook live, as we have much important information to share with you as the days progress. Follow this link to our Facebook page.

If someone asks why your church chose to respond to this health crisis by closing its doors, here’s our response:

  1. Relentless Love includes protection. We are loving our neighbors by protecting them.
  2. Gospel Restoration starts by making responsible decisions. The most responsible decision we can make in this moment is to follow the leadership of our government and health officials.
  3. As we live out the truths of the gospel in the coming days, we will have ample opportunity to show Hands-On Service to those around us. Let’s continue to ask God what He would have us do during this time to serve others.
  4. We are not living in fear, but in Spirit and Truth Empowerment, knowing that King Jesus has the ultimate triumph.
  5. The church is not a building but exists through Kingdom Partnerships between each of the members of its body.

Let’s remember God’s faithfulness, character, and how He has worked during challenging times.  Let’s be salt and light during this season, the living hands and feet of Christ.

You are deeply loved,

Pastor Brian Haynes

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