Dear Church,

While the summer seems like a lull in some ways, did you know we are in a high ministry season. Teams have already been to Israel and Lebanon. Vacation Bible School impacted many. Our teenagers leave for student camp this Sunday. We have a second team leaving for Lebanon on Wednesday. I am so grateful to serve a church committed to discipling the people in our own homes and neighborhoods as well as on the other side of the planet. Glory to Christ.

Friday we will be hosting our block party on the front lawn at 6 PM. We can’t wait to see you. Bring a lawn chair and money for food trucks but most importantly, bring your friends, your family, and your co-workers. The event, is really for them. So tonight is the night. Invite someone.

Sunday we will continue our series from the Sermon on the Mount. Our main text is Matthew 5:13-16. You need to hear this one because the renovation of people, families, and churches in the 4B area depends on you being the salt and light of Jesus right here in our region. You are the plan according to Jesus. Come discover how Jesus wants to use you in the world today for His glory as an agent of redemption.

You are loved!
