Dear Church,

I pray you find yourself walking in the grace and peace of Jesus today. I have an exciting announcement to make.

Upon recommendation of our search team, the Elders of our church met last evening and voted to extend an offer to Zac Ashley to become our Pastor of Spiritual Formation. Zac, his wife Christen, and there three children will be joining us Sunday, November 26 for a time of introduction to you the church in both worship services. On November 26 I will be telling you more about the role of the Pastor of Spiritual Formation as well as our vision for discipleship, present and future. Zac will speak in both services and you will have opportunity to affirm his call to Bay Area upon recommendation of the search team and in accordance with the leadership of the Elders. There will also be a “meet and greet” with Zac and Christen immediately following the 11:00 AM worship service. For more information about Zac and his family follow this link. As always, if you review the information and believe you need to communicate with the elders before the 26th regarding Pastor Zac, email my assistant at She will pass on your communication to the elder body. We are all very excited!

This Sunday I am excited to gather for worship. I missed being with you last Sunday. Our text will be Luke 17:11-18 as we consider what it means to be “thankful” in a God-honoring, Christ-dependent way. I’ve been personally touched by the Scripture this week and find myself full of thanksgiving to our Lord Jesus. I pray you will too, no matter your circumstances.

Happy Thanksgiving a little early. You are loved. Have a great end to your week.


Pastor Brian