Dear Church,

This Sunday we will begin a new sermon series called, “Faith in the Midst of Falsehood.” This series is a study of the book of Jude, the gigantic letter that is just one profound chapter in the Bible. I am excited to team teach this series with our Pastor to Students, Kade Pierce. We are praying that God opens our eyes to the truth of His Word and exposes falsehoods that often permeate the church and culture.

On Saturday a group of 43 will head to Israel for 11 days of life changing experiences along the ancient paths of Scripture. Please pray that God would guide our steps and that we would become the kind of disciples that love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and that love our neighbors as we love ourselves. You can follow us along the way viewing photos, videos, and reading blog posts chronicling our experience. Follow this link to experience Israel with us.

Remember to pray for our mission team in the Middle East currently serving alongside of our partners and engaging Muslims with the gospel. All is going well thus far. Please keep praying.

May God bless you each this week as you abide in Christ. You are loved.

Pastor Brian