This Sunday we will gather to worship the risen King Jesus, our hope for past, present, and future. We will continue our “Origins” series focusing on Genesis 4:1-26 and parts of chapter 5. Family of origin is the single most significant relational environment in any persons life. Come ready to hear from God about the original “family of origin” and how God works in the good and the bad. Important message for all of us!

Our Girls Minister, Aly Nickerson, and her husband Andrew adopted a beautiful baby girl a few months ago. The God story behind how this came to be is incredible and I hope one day they will share that with you in its entirety. In light of this, Aly believes God is leading her to stay home full time with her daughter. We see God’s hand and provision in all of this. Aly will be resigning her post as girls minister at the end of February. Andrew and Aly will continue to gather and serve here at Bay Area. We are proud of Andrew and Aly and grateful for them. Pray for the Nickerson family.

I would also ask that you pray for our ministry team. Currently we need to add a few additional ministerial and support roles. Pray for us in the season. Pray for wisdom to organize our team in just the right way for our present and future. Pray God would lead us to just the right ministers and leaders for this new season. Pray that our ministry staff, elders, and deacons, will stay focused on Jesus and love people well, lead the church well, and serve God well in these days.

I can’t wait to be with you on Sunday. You are loved!

Pastor Brian