Dear Church,

Wow! What an incredible time of prayer and worship we had together on Wednesday evening. It was a personal blessing to me to linger in worship and prayer together.

On Sunday, September 16, we will conduct a membership vote for our new elder candidates in both worship services. As you may know, each elder must fit the qualifications for elders as stated in 1 Timothy 3. Over a year ago, these three new candidates began to meet monthly with our elder body for training and testing. In April, at the Bay Area Family gathering, we brought them before you to give you a season to ask questions or to offer concerns related to each man. Some questions were submitted and were answered by the elder body to the satisfaction of each member asking a question. It is now time to vote on these men. Our bylaws require a secret ballot vote culminating in 85% of the votes in the affirmative. This vote will be conducted on September 16. To reacquaint yourself with the candidates visit our website If these new candidates are confirmed by the membership, our elder body will expand from 5 (including me) to eight. Thank you for participating in this very important process.

I can’t wait to be together on Sunday. We will start a new series in the book of Colossians. Read 1:1-14 if you want to prepare. Have a great weekend! You are loved.

Pastor Brian