Week of May 9, 2021 

SERIES: The Gospel of Mark         

Week #1 – The gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God   

Mk. 1:1


This week we begin a new series through the Gospel of Mark. As will be noted in the sermon, Mark’s gospel is likely the first gospel account written and done so from the eyewitness account of Peter.

This week, Kade will address the significance of Mark’s introductory statement in Mark 1:1.


MAIN IDEA – What we proclaim about Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, is far more significant than we think.

STAND & READ – Mk. 1:1

  1. Background of Mark (CREDIT – David Garland (NIVAC) & Bible Project)
    1. Written by Mark (as a scribe) through the eye witness account of Peter.
    2. Probably the first gospel written and the gospel from which Matthew and Luke draw information.
  1. 3 significant parts of the statement (Mk. 1:1)
    1. “The gospel of Jesus…”
      1. “gospel” = good news
        1. (David Garland – NIVAC) – “news of victory from the battlefield.”
        2. C.E.B. Cranfield (Commentary) – “Most of the inhabitants of the Roman empire would have associated the word [gospel] with the emperor cult, which represented the announcements of such events as the birth of an heir to the emperor, his coming of age, and his accession to the throne as glad tidings or gospel.”
          1. Lk. 2:8-10

SAY: The proclamation of the “gospel of Jesus” is a message of good news brought about arrival and reign of a new king. The question is, who is this king? (SEE NEXT PART)

  1. “Christ” (Messiah/Anointed One)
    1. ASK: Why is this significant?
      1. The promised one is here
        1. Gen. 3:15 (defeat of Satan)
        2. Deut. 18:15 (Prophet like Moses)
        3. Is. 11:1
        4. Jer. 23:5-6
        5. Micah 5:2

SAY: In identifying Jesus as the Christ, Mark is displaying that the promises have been fulfilled. Th one promised is now here.

  1. “the Son of God”
    1. ASK: Why is this significant?
      1. Political statement (SAY: It is a claim about allegiance)

(Inscription on the Priene for Caesar Augustus’ birthday) – “Emperor Caesar Augustus, son of God; Emperor Caesar Augustus, god from god; Emperor Caesar Augustus, savior and benefactor.”

(Inscription about Tiberias Caesar) – “Emperor Tiberias Caesar Augustus, son of god; Emperor Tiberius Caesar, son of god, Zeus the liberator.”

SAY: (CREDIT Brian Haynes) – Proclaiming Jesus as the Son of God during the time of Mark’s gospel is a plain way of saying, there is only one King in Rome (and beyond), and the Caesar is not him.

  1. ASK: Why is this good news for us?
    1. Mk. 10:45

SAY: Whereas the kings of the time that Mark was written and the rulers of today rule by demanding and manipulating their people or else they’re punished, Jesus, the King, rules by laying His life down for His people in order for them to escape punishment. – GOSPEL

  1. ASK: What is the appropriate response? (Mk. 1:15)
    1. Non-believer
      1. Repent
        1. Def. of “repent” – (TLH) “Rethinking your thinking.”
      2. Believe in the gospel
    2. Believer
      1. Celebrate
      2. Proclaim


Opening Discussion: 

Begin your discussion by sharing God moments and praying together. Use the following questions to encourage dialogue. 

  1. What are the “God moments” from this past week?  How have you seen God at work that is unmistakably Him? 
    1. Did anyone have any “table” moments with others –were you able to make an intentional connection with someone new, encourage someone spiritually, or share about your faith with someone this past week? 
  2. How did God speak to you through His Word this past week? 
    1. How are you hearing and obeying? 
  3. How can we specifically pray for you this week? 

Pray as a group – thanking God for how He is at work and asking Him to answer the requests that were mentioned.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Ask and discuss the following questions.

Read Mk. 1:1

Q: Do you typically feel more confident or less confident when learning that the gospel accounts are based on eye witness accounts? Explain your answer.

Q: Talk about a time when you heard, said or read a shocking statement? 

Q: Do you typically think about Mk. 1:1 as a shocking statement? Explain your answer

Q: What does the word “gospel” mean and how would it have been understood in the Roman culture of the day of Mark’s writing?

Q: What does it mean for Jesus to be the “Christ”?

Q: Why is Mark’s identifying Jesus as the “Son of God” such a big claim during the time of his writing? Why is it a big claim today?

Q: How is your allegiance to Jesus different than your allegiance to anything else? 

Q: Why is Mk. 1:1 good news for us today? (HINT: See Mk. 10:45)

Read Mk. 10:45

Q: What makes Jesus different from every other king/ruler?

Read Mk. 1:15

Q: What is the appropriate response to the gospel message?

Q: What does it mean to “repent”?

Q: What kind of belief is Jesus requiring in Mk. 1:15?

Q: What does your response (between the two mentioned in the sermon) need to be to the message of the gospel?

Q: What are you looking forward to the most about studying the gospel of Mark? Explain your answer.


Use the following questions to wrap-up your discussion of today’s message and talk more about how we can apply it to our lives. 

  1. What did you hear? 
    1. What is your one “take-away” from this week? 
    2. How did God speak specifically to you through this passage and study? 
  2. What do you think? 
    1. How did this passage and study affirm, challenge, or change the way you think about the love of God?  
  3. What will you do? 
    1. What is your next step? How will you take the truth of God’s Word and apply it to your life this week?   

The Gospel of Mark begins with a bombshell statement. End your time together by identifying who in your circles of influence needs to hear this gospel message and pray for one another to be bold as you interact with those people.


  • Mk. 1:1, Lk. 2:8-10, Gen. 3:15, Deut. 18:15, Is. 11:1, Jer. 23:5-6, Micah 5:2, Mk. 10:45

UPCOMING MESSAGES: “The Gospel of Mark”

May 9, 2021 Mark 2:1-12