Dear Church,

Thursday, May 3 is the National Day of Prayer set aside each year to pray for these United States. There are many ways you can be involved in the National Day of Prayer. I realize you work all over the city so here is a list of prayer events citywide. You can even attend the national event online here. Now, more than ever, we need to pray for our Nation.

On Sunday, May 6, we will continue our series called Crisis Clarity as we focus on “Prayer in the Midst of Crisis.” Our focal passage will be 2 Kings 18:14-19 as we learn to “spread it out before the LORD” in the midst of crisis.

Would you like to join us in praying for Muslims during Ramadan? We believe God is at work among Muslims around the world. He is making Himself known through dreams, visions, miracles, the sharing of the gospel, and martyrdom. Join Harper Killian in the Kids Commons on May 13 from 9:00-9:15 for a short introduction on how to pray and to receive a prayer guide to use during Ramadan.

Finally, May 13 is the deadline for congregational deacon nominations. A deacon is a servant leader within the congregation and must meet the biblical qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. If you would like to nominate someone please fill out the nomination card here.

Don’t forget your Top 5.

