Happy New Year Bay Area Family!

I am excited to gather for worship this Sunday as we begin our new teaching series from Genesis 1-11 called “Origins.” We will dig deep into the Scripture and explore the intersect of faith and science.  The conversation will extend into our LifeGroups each week as we move to a “sermon based” LifeGroup curriculum. If you aren’t in a LifeGroup now would be a great time to connect with one! Come by the Welcome Center in the Lobby on Sunday for information about how to get in on the conversation and community of LifeGroup as we start this important teaching series.

As you know, we are passionate about restoring people and families. You can help us! If you attend the 9:30 worship service and could attend the 11:00 service instead, this would help us tremendously as we continue to reach people. Because our student ministry and connected families worship at 9:30, the room is very full in the first worship service. We have more room at 11:00 to grow. If you can move to the 11:00 worship service you will free up seats at 9:30 so we can continue to reach others. In doing so, you will also bolster the 11:00 worship service and help us connect with guests who visit for the first time at 11:00 AM Sundays. It’s sounds like a little thing but your intentionality will help us offer more people the hope that comes from gathering around God’s Word each week.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. You are loved!

Pastor Brian