Dear Church,

This Sunday we will finish our series called “Spiritual Matters.” It has been enlightening for me to study for these sermons and deliver them. I’ve become more aware of the spiritual battle we are fighting. This weekend we will end our series with a sermon titled, “Be strong, be strong, be very strong.” Our text will be Ephesians 6:10-19 and we will discuss how to stand firm as we wrestle with a scheming spiritual enemy. It’s Memorial Day weekend and some will be traveling and miss this important message. Be sure and pick it up Monday at

We have a team leaving for the Middle East today to work with our partners there. Please pray for this small team of seven as they travel and walk in places many Americans wouldn’t chose to walk. May God expand His Kingdom through their lives.

It’s a big week as schools are wrapping up, graduations ensue, and life shifts into summer. My prayer for you in the midst of all of it is that you fix your eyes on Jesus, the victor.

You are loved.

Pastor Brian