Bay Area Family,

I pray you are well and walking in the peace of Christ. This in an extraordinary time for sure. I am so glad we have our God and each other.

Please take a moment to watch this short video message.

During the month of April we will continue our Worship Services and LifeGroups ONLINE only. Everything you need to know is in one place at

We are mobilizing for ministry as we meet needs in our church and in our community. If you need HELP or would like to sign up to HELP others, go to and click “Help Request” or “I want to Help” and we will follow up with you.

Good Friday Service – April 10 at 7 PM – LIVE ONLINE
Easter Sunday Services – April 12 at 9:30 and 11:00 AM – LIVE ONLINE

In this season giving sacrificially in worship to our God is important. We continue saturating the 4B area with the gospel by restoring people, families, and churches, each and every day. In fact, the ministry needs are increasing even though our programs on campus are at a stand still. 

Each week we need to receive $67,356.00 to fulfill our budgeted ministry needs. Here are the lest three weeks of giving:
3/15/2020 – $40,546.00
3/22/2020 – $84,039.00
3/29/2020 – $38,822.00

Thank you for your continued generosity as we posture to meet needs both in our church and in our community. We are praying that God provides everything you need in this season. “Give us this day or daily bread.”

I look forward to connecting ONLINE this Sunday. You are loved.

Pastor Brian