Dear Church,

I pray you are walking in the mercies of Christ this day. Thursday is my sermon preparation day and typically the day I begin to sense what God will do as we gather on Sunday. We continue our series called “Living It” from the book of James. We will immerse ourselves in James 4 as we learn to align our passions and desires with those of God. So often our appetites are for the things of this world when God offers us eternity. This is an important message for every believer and unbeliever.

Hurricane Harvey left its mark in our region but the tangible love of God shown through his church is leaving and even greater impression.

We are currently working in conjunction with other likeminded churches in the 4B area to create a 501c3 designed to raise funds and provide hands on service for long term disaster relief in our area officially called the “4B Area Disaster Response Network.” We have elected a board that includes our own John Eckeberger. The board is now working to hire an Executive Director to serve a two year stint. I am excited about this because it will foster collaboration among the churches of the 4B area, increase our capacity for raising funds to help rebuild, and ensure that the universal church of Jesus Christ in the 4B area upholds its responsibility to bring recovery, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Please pray for this effort.

In the meantime, We will continue to work, rebuilding houses, each Saturday until Thanksgiving. We need you to join us. Register to serve on a work crew this weekend by clicking this link.

Finally, would you please hit your knees in prayer for my brother and friend and one of our valuable ministry staff members, Joel Trevino. He is very sick and I believe he needs our prayers more than every before. Please join me in praying for Joel.

You are loved,

Pastor Brian