Dear Church,

I pray this email finds you walking with our Lord Jesus no matter your current circumstances. Rest assured, you are prayed for. We love you.

I am excited to start a new series this weekend called “The Art of Neighboring” based on Jesus’ summation of the Law and the Prophets. As disciples of Jesus we must become both inspired and equipped to love our neighbors well. I believe when we show love for our neighbors intentionally, we will make a lasting difference in the world. As you come into the worship center on Sunday, make sure you pick up a worship guide. There is an important tool in the bulletin that you will need during the service. Let’s change the world by loving our neighbors as ourselves.

Bay Area Christian School started back to school this past week. Please pray for our school ministry. We are excited about all the opportunities we have to disciple the next generation through Bay Area Christian School.

Most of our public schools in the 4B area will also begin this coming week. Charles Pulliam and I attended a meeting with Dr. Greg Smith, Superintendent of Schools for CCISD, on Tuesday along with other faith leaders and learned about a local organizer named Autumn Wenner who desires to see prayer happen at each school in CCISD the night before school starts. So, on Sunday afternoon and evening, August 19, people from all across the district will gather to pray around the flagpole at each school. Would you and your families consider helping Autumn’s vision become a reality? Here is what you need to know:

High schools – prayer will be around the pole at 4:30 PM
Intermediate schools – prayer will be around the pole at 5:30 PM
Elementary schools – prayer will be around the pole at 6:30 PM

Show up and pray and ask God to move this year in our schools.

Thanks in advance for your support of our local school through prayer.

You are loved,

Pastor Brian