Faith Talk 2/5/23

Series: Devoted Title: The Teaching Text: Acts 2:37-42 1. What does it mean to be devoted as a follower of Jesus? 2. Why was it important for the earliest follower of Jesus to be devoted to the apostles teaching? 3. Is it important for us to be devoted to the teaching...

Faith Talk 1/29/23

1.    Read Acts 13:1-3 again, what stands out to you, raises questions for you, or sparks curiosity about the passage? 2.    What were the Christians doing in Antioch when the Holy Spirit spoke? 3.    How did...

Faith Talk 1/22/23

Series: Prayer Together: A Collective Cry of Dependence Title: Prayer of Humility and Protection Text: Ezra 8:21-23 Faith talk questions for Sunday, January 22 1. What does it mean to humble ourselves before Gaod in prayer and fasting? 2. Why do we need to depend on...

Faith Talk – 1/15/23

Series: Praying Together: A Collective Cry of Dependency Title: Pray to Return to the Lord Text: Joel 2:12-32 Faith Talk Questions 1. How did this last week of prayer and fasting go for you? What did you hear from God? 2. What keeps us from returning to the LORD with...