Dear Bay Area Family,

I hope you have a good July 4 holiday on Thursday. We are extremely blessed to call the United States our home. As a leader, sometimes I think about America as it must have been when it was only a vision in the minds of a few. Imagine the planning, the prayer, the risk, the personal sacrifice, so that we could live free from tyranny in a land of opportunity. Recently I was speaking with a political influencer in Lebanon. As I listened I realized he had little hope of accomplishing his dream. He even acknowledged as much. I thought to myself, “We don’t think that way as Americans. We dream it and then we do it.” I realized both his thinking and my thinking are directly influenced by the land we call home. So, grill out, shoot fireworks, gather with some people you enjoy, and celebrate our independence. It is a gift to be celebrated but not squandered.

This weekend end Pastor Kade will finish up our series in 1 John. I will be returning to the pulpit July 14. I am really excited about that! We are blessed to have a “deep bench” of preachers. I am thankful for each of them and grateful for their preaching influence in our congregation this summer. It’s a gift to serve in a church willing to develop many preachers. That effort will serve the Kingdom of Jesus well.

Many blessings to you this 4th of July. You are loved!

Pastor Brian