Dear Bay Area Family,

Today I was on a Zoom call with brothers who are pastors all over the US led by a pastor/mentor 20 years my senior. He asked, “What clarity is God giving you during this time?” There are many things I am personally learning but clearly, in this decentralized time, God is positioning us to live out our vision to saturate the 4B area with the gospel. So much opportunity is presenting itself in that regard when it comes to restoring people, families, and churches. I look forward to sharing some of that with you in the days ahead. For now, you are leaning in to CHURCH ON YOUR STREET. You are sharing and inviting people to our online gatherings. Hopefully you are praying for and with people and sharing the gospel.

Someone asked me yesterday when we would be re-opening the church. My response, “The church is open and vibrant maybe more so than every before.”

Yet, we all crave to be together. Maybe me more than anyone. In the near future our plan is to continue ONLINE worship services at and ONLINE lifegroups. Our team is working tirelessly in cohorts, think tanks, and webinars with global church leaders, medical professionals, and state and local leaders as we prepare for the future. We will keep you updated as things develop.

Each Thursday I am beginning a new FB Live session at 7 PM on the Bay Area Church FaceBook page. I’ll be sharing updates and story regarding Bay Area Church and teaching a short contextual picture from the Bible that brings me a lot of hope during this time. Tonight, we will head to the wilderness, in southern Israel and Egypt and learn somethings about our own life and our Great God.

This Sunday we continue our CERTAIN FUTURE series by talking about Certain Judgement. According to the gospel, because of Christ, we have an uplifting experience in store as we come before the judgement seat of Christ.

You are on our mind and we are praying over you daily. Be the church out there. 
You are loved!

Pastor Brian