Dear Church,

I pray you are walking in the grace and peace of Christ this week. I’m looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday. We will continue our series titled “Issue We Face” as we discuss the issues of anxiety and depression. In my preparation for this message, I discovered 1 in 12 people are facing anxiety and depression right now. Most people will go through at least one season of deep anxiety or depression in their life time. You aren’t alone and as we learned last week, there is hope.

Prepare for our time together on Sunday by reading Psalm 13. Pray now asking God to speak to you and bring you comfort, peace, and joy. 

After the message you may decide you want more help. Our elders and their wives will be in the worship center this Wednesday, February 13 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM, to pray with you about these issues. Take a step toward trusting God for freedom. Let’s pray and ask him for healing when it comes to anxiety and depression. If you would like practical help finding pastoral care or counseling go to

Have a great weekend. Invite someone to come with you Sunday. 

You are loved!

Pastor Brian