Dear Bay Area Family,

I am excited to gather this Sunday to worship our Lord Jesus. He is the One who came to set the captives free. To that end, we will continue our series “Issues We Face,” as we discuss the issue of pornography. In preparation for the sermon I believe God has something very special in mind for us. This is an issue that effects all of us in one way or another. Please know I recognize we have a multi-generational congregation. I will be truthful but careful in regards to your children. I believe this is a sermon everyone needs to hear. Don’t hesitate to invite others to hear this important message.

Milestone 4: Purity for Life – Our student ministry has an important event on Saturday, February 23, called Purity 4 Life. This event is designed to equip families and foster conversations around the issue of biblical purity for 7th-8th grade students and parents. For more information and to register visit

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 in preparation for Sunday and come ready to experience the healing and hope of Jesus.

We love you!

Pastor Brian