SERIES: Discerning Truth  

Week #3: Remember God’s Truth Every Day    

2 Peter 3:1-7 

BIG IDEAWe need to remember God’s truth from God’s perspective living with the Day of the Lord in mind. 


We live in a world that is filled with both true and false teaching. If we are not careful, the Church can fall into false teaching that will take us away from the truth of God. One of the best ways to fight against being lulled into false teaching is to remember God’s truth every day. 

As we begin chapter 3, Peter’s intent is to stir up our minds to the truth of God.

“This is now the second letter that I am writing to you, beloved. In both of them I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder. “(3:1) 

There are several things Peter wants to remind his readers: 

Remember the prophetic/apostolic predictions and commands 

of the Lord.  (3:2-4)

  1. The return of Christ (Matthew 24:29-31)
  2. The Day of the Lord (Joel 1:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:2)
  3. The restoration of all things (Acts 3:20-21)

Why must we remember these things? Because scoffers will mock the truth in the last days following their own sinful desires. (3:3-4) 

Don’t overlook the truth because of teaching based on limited human perspective.  (3:5-7)

  1. What is true? (False teaching debunked)
    1. God created the present heavens and the earth by His Word. (Genesis 1:6, Psalm 33:6) 
    1. God judged the earth by covering it with water. (Noah/Flood)
    1. A final Day of Judgement is certain according to God’s Word. (2 Thessalonians 1:9)

Our Response 

  1. We need to remember God’s truth from God’s perspective living with the Day of the Lord in mind. 


Begin your session with prayer and use the following questions/discussion to get the conversation started…

This past week has been another interesting one. Our area found itself in the midst of preparing for a possible hurricane. Individuals and families bought/gathered supplies, made plans, prepared their homes, and some even left town. While our area was spared from the impact of the storm, many to our east were not. It’s a strange and difficult feeling being relieved personally but also saddened for others at the same time. 

Additionally, all of this happened around the third anniversary of Hurricane Harvey. Many in our groups experienced that traumatic and stressful time as well. With all of the different stresses, memories, and emotions of this week, let’s begin our gatherings just checking in to see how people are doing. Use the following questions to get things started: 

Q: What did this past week look like for you and your family specifically?  

Q: How would you describe your thoughts and emotions over the last seven days? 

Q: What was the most challenging part of this past week for you personally? 

Q: How did God speak to you and minister to you over this past week? 

Before starting into the remaining discussion questions, take some time to pray for those who were directly affected by the storm and for those in your group and what they shared about the past week. 

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Read 2 Peter 3:1-7. Ask and discuss the following questions.

Q: In 2 Peter 3:1, Peter writes that in both of his letters, he is “stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder.” Who in your life ‘stirs” up your mind to think rightly about God’s truth? How do they do this? What’s the benefit? 

Q: Whose mind are you/could you be seeking to “stir up” to the same things? How could you do this? What’s stopping you? 

Q: Why is it so important to remember what God’s Word says about the events that are still to come? (i.e. return of Christ, Day of Judgement, restoration of all things). What practical difference can these things have on our lives today?  

Q: How can we resist allowing our own sinful desires to cause us to forget and leave the truth of God in these days? What are some of the things in our lives and culture that tempt us to do this? 

Q: How do we balance resting in the grace that forgives our sins simply through faith in Jesus with the call to live in a way where our actions and conduct matters? How do we live in the tension of faith and works? How can we get this wrong? 

Q: What can we practically do in our lives to “remember God’s truth from God’s perspective” and live with “the Day of the Lord” in our minds? What are the challenges to actually doing these things? What are ways you work to overcome these challenges? 


As you conclude this week, take a few minutes to really focus on the final two questions below. As followers of Jesus, it’s important that we establish the rhythm of hearing and obeying God. It’s not enough just to think about these things, it’s also important that we identify and share what God is saying to us and make plans to live this out with others holding us accountable.  Have every group member take time to write down their answers to these questions and encourage them to share with either the group all together or with another person within the group. 

Q: What is your personal “take-away” from this week’s message? What is one specific thing the Lord spoke to you this week? 

Q: What is your “action step” this week? How are you planning to apply what God has spoken to you? 


  • 2 Peter 3:1-7, Acts 3:18-24, Matthew 24:29-31, Joel 1:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:2, Acts 3:20-21, Genesis 1:6, Psalm 33:6, 2 Thessalonians 1:9

NEXT WEEK’S MESSAGE: Discerning Truth: Week #4 (2 Peter 3:8-13