SERIES: Trust and Obey  

Week #7: Final Words for the Church   

1 Peter 5 


These early believers were living in the face of persecution.  It spread for individualized persecution to that of the whole church/community. In this suffering, Peter helps the church answer the question: How should we “be the church” in these moments?  He concludes his letter by giving some final instructions to the church. 

Instructions for Elders (5:1-4) 

  1. Shepherd the flock 
    1. Willingly 
    1. Not for shameful gain
    1. Eagerly
    1. Not domineering
    1. Being examples
  2. This sacrifice is not without promise of reward 

Instructions for All of Us in the Church (5:5-9) 

  1. Be subject to the Elders 
  2. Be humble before God and each other 
  3. Cast all your anxiety on God because he cares for you 
  4. Be sober minded and watchful (alert) 
    1. Why? Because the devil prowls around like a lion seeking someone to devour 
      1. Resist him 
      1. Stand firm in your faith 
      1. Know that Christians all over the world are experiencing the same

Words of Reality and Hope (5:10-11) 

  1. You will suffer for a little while 
  2. The “God of all grace” who called you to his eternal glory in Christ will…
    1. Restore you
    1. Confirm you 
    1. Strengthen you 
    1. Establish you 
  3. To Him be dominion and glory forever 

Peace to All of You Who are in Christ (5:12-14) 

  1. Christian suffering and persecution can yield anxiety 
  2. Peter ends with “peace to all of you who are in Christ.” 

While we wait for the return of Christ, we may suffer for our faith. Peter reminds the church to Trust and Obey. 


Begin your session with prayer and use the following questions/discussion to get the conversation started…

I hope you’ve been blessed by this series and our study through 1 Peter. As we come to the last week in this series, we would love to hear more about how God has been working in your life during these weeks. Take a few minutes to answer the following questions: 

Q: What is one thing you’ve learned or been reminded about God during this series? 

            Q: What is one take-away that God has taught you through this series? 

Q: How have you specifically applied what you’ve learned during this series to your life?  

Q: What is one thing God has done in or through you during these past seven weeks? 

Let’s praise God for how He has been at work and let’s dive into the final chapter of 1 Peter. 

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Read 1 Peter 5. Ask and discuss the following questions.

Q: Peter tells the elders to “shepherd the flock of God that is among you.” What does the image of a shepherd teach us about this kind of spiritual leadership?   

Q: Read 1 Peter 5:5-6. Peter quotes from Proverbs 3:34 telling us to be humble. How does a humble spirit help the church better live out its mission in the world? How can a lack of humility hinder the work of the church?  

Q: What does it mean to “cast” all our anxiety on Christ? How do we practically do this in times of suffering and difficulty? How has God brought you peace in difficult times when you’ve done this?  

Q: What does the imagery of “prowls around like a roaring lion” teach us about the enemy? 

Q: How do we “resist” the devil and “stand firm in the faith” when facing trials and temptations?  

Q: Peter writes that we can know “that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by the brotherhood throughout the world (vs. 9).” How does this help us when we face our own suffering and difficulty?       

Q: What is your personal “take-away” from this week’s message? What is one specific thing the Lord spoke to you this week? 

Q: What is your “action step” this week? How are you planning to apply what God has spoken to you? 


Peter gives a final word of blessing and prayer as he concludes his letter in 5:14: 

“Peace to all of you who are in Christ.”

We’ve spent much of this series talking about difficulty and suffering. It is one of the main themes of his letter. We’ve encouraged our group members to share with others some of the challenges and difficulties they are facing during this season. As we conclude this week’s gathering and this series, I want to encourage you to simply pray a prayer of peace over your group. Take some time to pray for each member by name – asking as Peter did, that the peace of God would be on them all. 

Here Are a Few Reminders & Announcements: 

Phase #2 of our regathering plan begins next week August 16th: We will continue gathering in personand online at 9:00am and 10:30am as well as continue our online only service at 5:00pm. Kidmin classes for birth-4 will be available beginning next week. Masks/face coverings are required for everyone age 10 and over. 

You can find more details on the full Relaunch Plan here:

Reading Plan: Encourage your group to participate in the Psalms Bible reading plan that is posted at Also, join us Monday – Friday at 12:00pm on our Facebook page for a live devotion and prayer time with one of our staff.


  • 1 Peter 5 

NEXT WEEK’S MESSAGE: Discerning Truth (2 Peter 1)