SERIES: Trust and Obey  

Week #6: Suffering as a Christian  

1 Peter 4:12-19 


2 Timothy 3:12 “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…” This is not the verse that we typically hang on our wall or place on our cars. It’s a difficult verse. What are we to do with this verse? 

Peter continues his letter to these early followers of Jesus in Asia Minor. He once again comes back to the theme of suffering.  How should they see and live when facing suffering as Christians? What can we learn from this letter for our own lives?  What should we learn and apply to our lives about suffering as a Christian? 

Four Lessons to Learn and Apply About Suffering as Christians 

  1. Don’t be surprised by Christian suffering. (vs. 12) 
  2. Rejoice when you share in Christ’s sufferings. (vs. 13-14) 
  3. Don’t confuse suffering because of sin and Christian suffering. (vs. 15-16)
  4. Judgement begins with the household of God. (vs. 17-18) 

One Way to Live Because of What We Learn About Christian Suffering 

  1. Entrust your soul to a Faithful Creator while doing good. (vs.18) 
  2. How do we do this? 
    1. Keep our eyes on Jesus and look beyond present circumstances. 
    1. Radical obedience. 
    1. Mind over emotion. 


Begin your session with prayer and use the following questions/discussion to get the conversation started…

Let’s have some fun as we begin our session this week. We all know that 2020 has been interesting to say the least. Answer the following questions: 

Q: If someone chose to make a movie of your life in 2020, and you had to come up with the title, what would the movie be called and why? 

Q: Who would you choose to star as you in the movie? 

Q: What genre of movie would it be? (i.e. action, comedy, romance, drama, etc.)  

Q: Do you think the movie would be a box office hit? Why or why not? 

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Read 1 Peter 4:12-19. Ask and discuss the following questions.

Q: Peter writes to “not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you.” How does this perspective help us prepare for and respond to suffering and difficulty when it comes?   

Q: Have you been able to” rejoice” when you faced a time of suffering or difficulty in your life? What did rejoicing look like in your life? How did this affect how you walked through this season? 

Q: What are the dangers of confusing suffering that comes from sin and suffering that comes from faithfulness to Christ? 

Q: Read 1 Peter 4:19. What does it mean to entrust our soul to a Faithful Creator while doing good? What does this look like in our daily living? 

Q: What can we practically do to keep our eyes on Jesus and look beyond our present circumstances? How has this made a difference in your life?    

Q: What are some things in life that could become our focus instead of a mindset that places Christ and His Kingdom as first in our lives? What is the danger of having the wrong priority? How have you seen this struggle in your own life?   

Q: What is your personal “take-away” from this week’s message? What is one specific thing the Lord spoke to you this week? 

Q: What is your “action step” this week? How are you planning to apply what God has spoken to you? 


One of the constants in life and living for Christ is worship. One aspect of the call to rejoice that Peter mentioned in this passage is to worship God regardless of the circumstances we are facing. Worship, at its core, is turning our attention and affection to God. It’s declaring His character, goodness, and works. It is being reminded of and letting the world know the truth of who he is. 

One of the most challenging and encouraging verses in scripture about worship is Job 1:21 ESV “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” This is the declaration that no matter what my circumstances may be, God’s name is blessed and worthy to be praised. 

As you conclude your gathering, take some time to worship together. Not through singing songs, but through declaring who God is and what He has done. Go around the room and invite others to share truth about the Lord. Encourage them to share what He has done and is doing in their lives, whether they are facing good times or bad. Conclude in prayer and remind everyone present of the love and goodness of God. 

Here Are a Few Reminders & Announcements: 

Worship in person and online beginning August 2nd: Pastor Brian announced earlier this week, that we will begin gathering in person and online beginning Sunday, August 2nd at 9:00am and 10:30am. We will also continue our online only service at 5:00pm. Masks/face coverings are required for everyone age 10 and over. To join us online go to

You can find more details on the Relaunch Plan here:

Food Drive- August 6-8 from 10:00am-2:00pm: We are so excited to participate in a “Drive By” Food Drive to support Galveston County Food Bank. Drop Off times will be on August 6-8 anytime between 10:00 to 2:00. No need to even get out of your car, we will have volunteers ready to grab your donations in front of the Student Center Cafe Entrance. Not ready to venture out, no problem…Ship your Online items to 213 6th Street N, Texas City TX  77590 (Galveston County Food Bank is asking that all online donations be gift tagged so they know which group donations came from). Click here for more information:

Reading Plan: Encourage your group to participate in the Psalms Bible reading plan that is posted at Also, join us Monday – Friday at 12:00pm on our Facebook page for a live devotion and prayer time with one of our staff.


  • 1 Peter 4:12-19, 2 Timothy 3:12, Matthew 5:11 & 12, Isaiah 11:1-2 

NEXT WEEK’S MESSAGE: Trust and Obey: Week 7 (1 Peter 5)