SERIES: Trust and Obey  

Week #3: Believers and Authority  

1 Peter 2:13-3:7 

BOTTOM LINE: Our relationship with Jesus should affect our relationship with those in authority.  


We ended last week’s study of 1 Peter looking at the idea that: The way we conduct our lives matters. (1 Peter 2:11-12) It’s not just what we say that makes a difference, it’s what we do and how we live. As we continue our study this week, Peter expands on this idea and challenges his readers in a very practical way: how they relate to authority. As believers, our relationship with Jesus should affect our relationship with those in authority. Let’s look at two principles that Peter gives to his readers and three specific relational examples Peter uses to encourage the application of these truths. 

Two Principles for Believers

  1. Be Subject to Authority (2:13) 
  2. Use Your Freedom to Do Good (2:15-17) 
    1. Four Ways: 
      1. Honor Everyone 
      1. Love the Brotherhood 
      1. Fear God 
      1. Honor the Emperor 

Three Relational Examples

  1. Citizens and Governing Authorities (2:13-14)
    1. Why Should We Do This? 
      1. It is God’s will and for our benefit. (2:15)
      1. Because we are free servants of God. (2:16-17)
    1. Is there ever a time we should not submit to authority? 
      1. When we have to choose between faithfulness to God or sin. 
      1. As Christians, we are to obey all governing authorities, but as God’s slaves, if there is ever a conflict between human authority and heavenly authority, we must choose to obey God over man.” – Juan R. Sanchez 
  2. Servants and Masters (2:18-25)
  3. Wives and Husbands (3:1-7)


How is your relationship with Jesus affecting your relationship with those in authority?


Begin your session with prayer and use the following questions/discussion to get the conversation started…

Words matter, but actions matter even more. 

This is the idea behind the familiar quote from Abraham Lincoln: “Actions speak louder than words.” (1856) Take a few minutes to discuss the following. 

Q: Do you agree with this statement? Please explain. 

Q: If you agree, why do you think our actions speak louder than our words?

Q: How have you seen this in your own life and experience? How have your actions or that of another spoken louder than their words? 

Q: Peter says that our conduct (actions) are important. What are the dangers of a believer’s words not matching up with their actions? 

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Ask and discuss the following questions

Q: Read 1 Peter 2:13-17. For many, the idea of “being subject to” or “submitting to” another is a difficult one to embrace. Why do we sometimes have a hard time with this idea?     

Q: What is the biggest challenge you personally face when it comes to submitting to authority? How can the teachings of scripture help you overcome these challenges? 

Q: Peter indicates that we can use our freedom in one of two ways. What were they? What does it mean to use our freedom in these ways? 

Q: Peter shares four ways we can do good: honor everyone, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the emperor? What are practical ways we can live out this calling in our everyday lives? (spend time specifically focused on each one)

Q: How can we, as followers of Jesus, be good citizens, being subject to governing authorities? What are the right ways to live out our faith in the public square? What are some wrong ways?   

Q: What are practical ways we can do good and be subject to those in authority in the workplace? Why is this sometimes challenging? What can we do to overcome these challenges?    

Q: How has suffering and facing hardships grown your faith? How has God worked through difficult times to make you more like Jesus?  

Q:  Read 1 Peter 3:1-2 & 7. How can wives and husbands apply this teaching to their everyday lives? 

Q: What is your personal “take-away” from this week’s message? What is one specific thing the Lord spoke to you this week? 

Q: What is your “action step” this week? How are you planning to apply what God has said to you? 


This passage is filled with timeless and timely truth. Submission can be difficult. Knowing how to live this out can be a challenge. Ask the following question of your group members: 

Q: What is one way you can practice submission to authority and use your freedom to do good this next week in one of these three relational areas (government, work, family)? 

Take time to pray for these commitments, asking God to give us the strength to live for him in our relationship to authority. Ask God to use these actions to glorify Himself and help point people to faith and salvation in Jesus. 

Here are a few reminders: 

We are Online Only through July 26th: Due to continuously rising cases of COVID-19 in our area, we are going to be online only through at least July 26th.  You can join us at our new service times of 9:00am, 10:30am, and 5:00pm by going to or our Bay Area Church Facebook page. 

Church on Your Street: One of the ways we can serve others is by loving those closest to us…on our street!  Don’t forget to go to and click on the “Church on Your Street” icon. Participate in this effort and then take some time to share stories of how God is using you as you love your neighbors.

Reading Plan: Encourage your group to participate in the Psalms Bible reading plan that is posted at Also, join us Monday – Friday at 12:00pm on our Facebook page for a live devotion and prayer time with one of our staff. 


  • 1 Peter 2:13-3:7, 1 Peter 2:11-12, Romans 13:1-2, 7, Acts 4:22, John 13:16

NEXT WEEK’S MESSAGE: Trust and Obey: Week 4 (1 Peter 3:8-22)