SERIES: Mother’s Day   

For All Who Hurt and Are in Need 

Matthew 11:28-30 

BIG IDEA: According to Jesus, the Christian life is spiritual rest.  


Jesus never promised that life would be easy.  In fact, He tells us that we will have troubles. These troubles come in many ways, but in the midst of these, Jesus gives the kind of rest for our souls that enables us to make it through. Look at these words of Jesus: 

  1. Come to Jesus 
  2. I will Give You Rest
  3. Learn from Me
  4. Find Rest for Your Souls 
  5. My Yoke is Easy and My Burden in Light


Begin your session with prayer and use the following questions/discussion to get the conversation started…

Today is Mother’s Day! It’s a day to celebrate the mom’s in our life! 

*While today is a joyous one for many people, we know that this day can also be difficult for others. While we celebrate moms, let’s also remember those who have maybe lost their mom recently and those who desire to become a mom but are facing difficulties. Let’s remember that God’s rest and peace is for everyone today! 

 As we begin our time, let’s think back to our moms. Most of us have funny memories or sweet stories about our moms. Some of us remember wise sayings passed along from mom as we were growing up. There is one thing that can’t be denied…our mom has left an impression on us. 

Let’s take a minute and share more about our moms by answering these questions: 

Q: When you think about your mom, what funny memory, sweet story, or wise saying comes to mind? 

Q: What would you say was your mom’s biggest influence on your life? How did she help you become the person you are today? 

Q: What would you say you are most thankful for when you think about the moms in your life today (your mom, your spouse, etc.)?

Close this part of the gathering by expressing and having others express their appreciation for the moms in your group (if applicable). 


Re-read Matthew 11:28-30 and then use the following questions to guide your discussion. As Pastor Brian said, while this is a message with moms in mind, it’s not just for moms. 

Q: Who does Jesus invite to come to him in this passage? What does it mean to be “weary and heavy burdened”?  

Q: What things in life are making you weary and burdened? What are you facing in this season of life that leads you to need rest? How does the invitation of Jesus help and give you hope? 

Q: How would you define the type of rest Jesus is referring to in this passage?  

Q: How does learning from Jesus help us find rest in the challenging times of life? What has God specifically revealed to you about himself and his plans as you went through a challenging time?  

Q: What does Jesus mean when he refers to his “yoke” being easy and “burden” light? 

Q: Would you say the religious leaders in Jesus’ day had an easy and light “yoke” or one that created burden?  How can we allow “religious thinking” to actually increase our burden instead of finding rest in our relationship with Jesus? 

Q: How are your currently finding rest in Jesus?  How is he working in your struggles and difficulties? 

Q: What is your one major take-away from this week’s message? 

Q: How is this take-away going to make a difference in your life this week?  


Life is always full of challenges, but the truth is that for many, this season is especially challenging for many different reasons. COVID-19 has disrupted life for just about everyone in some way. In times like this, we need to remember and rely on passages in God’s Word like we read today. Another important passage to remember is: 

1 Peter 5:6-7 ESV “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”

Peter tells us that we can cast our anxieties and cares on Jesus. As you conclude this week, create some space for group members to share their burdens and cast them to Jesus. In a time of prayer encourage group members to simply list out in their mind what is burdening them today. Have them “give” those things to Jesus by asking him to take them and carry them. Have them prayerfully release the burden of carrying them alone and allowing Him to take over. Then remind them that Jesus does this because He cares for them! Conclude with a time of praising God for His love for them. 

Remind your group members to head to and click on the “Church on Your Street”icon. Encourage one another to participate in this effort if they have not already done so. Take some time to share stories of how God is using you as you love your neighbors.

Finally, encourage your group to participate in the Psalms Bible reading plan that is posted at as well.


  • Matthew 11:28-30, John 6:37, 7:37, Matthew 23:24, 1 John 2:5-6, Jeremiah 6:16, 1 John 5:3-5

NEXT WEEK’S MESSAGE: Certain Future: Heaven