SERIES: Certain Future  

Week #5 – Heaven 

John 14:1-3

BIG IDEA: Heaven is certain, and it’s better than you can imagine.  


Two Questions About Heaven: 

  1. What is Heaven like? 
  2. Purposed because God promised it and prepared it. 
  3. Perfect because there is no sin. 
  4. Paradise restored – God with us. 
  5. What is the way to Heaven? 
  6. Better question: “Who” is the way to Heaven? (John 14:6) 


Begin your session with prayer and use the following questions/discussion to get the conversation started…

Every Tuesday morning, the staff at Bay Area Church gather together and share “God moments.” We have continued this practice virtually during this time of COVID-19. A “God moment” can be defined as something we see in our lives that is unmistakably God.” These can be small things or big things…but we see God’s fingerprints all over them. 

As you begin your group gathering this week, take some time for the group to share some “God Moments” from the past few weeks.

My prayer is that as you do this, you and your group members will be encouraged by how God is at work in many different ways in and around you! 


Re-read John 14:1-3 and then use the following questions to guide your discussion. 

Q: What biblical images and thoughts come to your mind when you think about Heaven? How does the Bible’s teaching on Heaven differ from what is often portrayed in media, movies, and culture? 

Q: What most excites you about Heaven? What are you looking forward to? 

Q: What does the picture of an ancient Jewish wedding teach us about Heaven? What does this teach us about Jesus? What about this picture stands out to you the most? 

Q: Read Revelation 21:1-4. What can we learn about Heaven from these words?  

Q: What will be the best thing about living for eternity in a place with no sin? 

Q: Just about everyone desires to get to Heaven. What are some different things and ways people rely on to try to get there one day? How does John 14:6 speak to this? 

Q: What difference should the certainty of Heaven make in the way we live our daily lives?  How should we respond? 

Q: What is your one major take-away from this week’s message? 

Q: How is this take-away going to make a difference in your life this week?  


Heaven gives us hope! The truth is that Heaven is certain and it’s better than we can imagine! 

In our previous discussion about the certainty of Hell, we were reminded that according to Jesus, everyone will spend eternity in one of two places, Heaven or Hell. What determines this destination comes down to one question: What have you done with Jesus? Have you made Him your Savior and Lord? 

In response, we were challenged to share with the group the names of people in our lives who needed to hear the Good News of Jesus…those who needed to hear the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone. 

As you conclude your group time, let’s come back to those names again. The certainty of Heaven should be another encouragement to keep praying for these people and opportunities to share with them. Ask your group to give any updates. Were they able to pray for them? Did God create any opportunities for you to share? Take time to share with your group these names again, add additional names, give updates, and then pray for them and your group members. Pray for “God Moments” where the message of salvation can be shared and that people would respond! 

Also encourage your groups to continue loving those closest to them…on their street!   Remind them to go to and click on the “Church on Your Street” icon. Encourage one another to participate in this effort. Take some time to share stories of how God is using you as you love your neighbors.

Another way to serve our community during this time is to sign-up for our Blood Drive happening in the Athletic Center June 3 & 4. Sign up at The sponsor code is BAC1. 

Finally, encourage your group to participate in the Psalms Bible reading plan that is posted at as well.


  • John 14:1-3, 1 Corinthians 2:9, Hebrews 11:6, Luke 22:20, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Matthew 24:36, Revelation 19:6-9, Revelation 21:1-4, John 14:6 

NEXT WEEK’S MESSAGE: Certain Future: Return of Christ