SERIES: Certain Future  

Week #4 – Hell 

Luke 16:19-31 

BIG IDEA: For some, according to the Bible, Hell is a certain future. But with Jesus, it doesn’t have to be. 


What we learn from this passage:

  1. Two men with very different eternal destinies. 
  2. Observations about Hell. 
  3. How do we respond to the certainty of Hell? 


Begin your session with prayer and use the following questions/discussion to get the conversation started…

Quarantine is an interesting thing…so let’s a have a little fun! Answer these questions: 

Q. What is one thing you want to do once this quarantine lifts that you can’t do right now? 

Q. What is your quarantine nickname? It is the way you are feeling right now + the last thing you ate from your fridge…everyone share. 

Q. If you had to go without one of the following during quarantine, which would you choose? Why? 

            – Wi-fi/internet           – Your Pet

            – Netflix                      – Board Games 

            – Books                      – Sweets/Desserts

            – Computer                – Coffee

Now take a minute to check in with your group. Ask how things are going? Ask how they are doing mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? Ask if there is anything others in the group can do to help. 


Re-read Luke 16:19-31 and then use the following questions to guide your discussion. 

Q: What images and thoughts come to your mind when you think about Hell? 

Q: What do you think most often influences a person’s belief’s and opinions about Hell? The Bible, movies/tv, other religions, culture, wishful thinking, or something else?

Q: How often do you think about eternity? How often do you think most other people consider their eternity? What could keep us from thinking about these things? 

Q: What does this passage teach us about Hell?  Which of the observations about Hell that we see in this passage stand out to you the most? Why? 

Q: Why do you think the Bible so clearly and graphically teaches us about Hell?

Q: How does it make you feel that, as a follower of Jesus, you never have to worry about spending eternity in a place of judgment and torment? 

Q: What difference should the reality of Hell make in the way we live our daily lives?  How should we respond? 

Q: What is your one major take-away from this week’s message? 

Q: How is this take-away going to make a difference in your life this week?  


The reality of Hell is sobering. The truth, according to Jesus, is that everyone will spend eternity in one of two places, heaven or hell. What determines this destination comes down to one question: What have you done with Jesus? Have you made Him your Savior and Lord? 

One of the ways the reality of Hell should impact our lives is in our desire and commitment to share the Good News of Jesus with others. Who do you know that needs to hear the message of salvation?  Who do you know that needs to believe in Jesus? 

One of the most important things we can begin to do is to pray for them by name. Take some time as a group and write down the names of those people you are praying for. As a group, commit to praying for this list, by name, over the next week. Pray that God would open their hearts to Jesus and that He would create opportunities for us to share the Good News with them. Encourage group members to come back and share any updates for next week. 

Another way we can be focused on this is to pray for and reach our neighbors.  If you have not already, direct your Life Group to and click on the “Church on Your Street” icon. Encourage one another to participate in this effort. Take some time to share stories of how God is using you as you love your neighbors.

Finally, encourage your group to participate in the Psalms Bible reading plan that is posted at as well.


  • Luke 16:19-31, 18:25-27, Matthew 5:3, Mark 9:43, Luke 12:4-5, Ephesians 2:4-9, Romans 5:6-8