Week of November 15, 2020

SERIES: Kingdom First    

Week #3: What the Kingdom IS  

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43


This week, Pastor Brian jumps back into our series, Kingdom First, by looking at “What the Kingdom Is.”  We will study Matthew 13, specifically the Parable of the Weeds, to see what Jesus wants to teach us about His Kingdom.   


  1. The Kingdom is the heavenly reign of Jesus here and now – living in recognition of His kingship – living on earth as it is in Heaven. 


  1. In Matthew 13, Jesus teaches many parables about the Kingdom. These parables teach some important things about what the Kingdom of God is…
    1. The message of the Kingdom of Heaven is received differently by different people. 
    2. The Enemy is at work to thwart the Kingdom of God but he cannot. 
    3. The Kingdom of Heaven exists with and among different kinds of people. 
    4. The Kingdom of Heaven starts very small but is growing bigger and stronger than any other.
    5. The Kingdom of Heaven is a treasure worth selling everything you have for. 

THE PARABLE OF THE WEEDS (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43)

  1. Let’s take a more detailed look at one of these parables…The Parable of the Weeds. 
  2. Context: Jesus is a polarizing figure and becoming even more so. People are listening to Him say things like “the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” and are asking, “If the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived, why has it not triumphed more overtly and visibly?” If Jesus is its herald, why is the response to Him not more uniformly positive among the Jews? 
  3. Jesus uses this parable to teach them some important truths and answer these questions.  
    1. Jesus uses an agricultural picture to describe his Kingdom. 
      1. Sower / Seed / Wheat / Weeds / Another Sower (The Enemy)
      2. Wheat and weeds appear simultaneously and grow together – look similar 
      3. Don’t pull the weeds lest you mess with the wheat 
      4. Harvest – pull the weeds first and burn them, gather the wheat into the barn 
    2. Jesus interprets the parable for his disciples and for us all today. 
      1. Sower = Jesus, the “Son of Man” 
      2. Seed = Gospel 
      3. Field = World (the Kingdom grows throughout the world among the people) 
      4. Good Seed (Wheat) = Sons of the Kingdom, belonging to Jesus by faith
      5. Bad Seed (Weeds) = Sons of the evil one, belonging to Satan because they reject Jesus with their unbelief 
      6. Harvest = Final Judgement 
      7. Fate of the Wildflowers = hell, weeping and gnashing of teeth 
      8. Fate of the Wheat = heaven, with Jesus forever 


  1. Why does He not end it all now? Make the harvest happen and pull up the weeds? 
    1. He is waiting so that more can reach repentance. 
    2. 2 Peter 3:9 
  2. Why doesn’t His Kingdom appear more prominent and powerful? If we are living the “heavenly reign of Jesus now” why is it not more obvious? 
    1. Both grow together until the time of harvest – only distinguishable by their fruit. 
    2. Matthew 13:31-32
  3. Which am I? Wheat or weed? What is my fate? 
    1. Galatians 3:26


  1. Am I wheat or weeds? Weeds do not have to stay weeds? There is grace through faith in Jesus. 


Use the following questions/discussion to get the conversation started…

Begin this week by once again sharing God Moments.  This is an important practice that not only helps us be more aware of God’s work in and around our lives but also encourages others in their own faith.  

Q: What is one thing you have seen God do in or through your life this past week that was unmistakably Him? 

Thank God for these things, ask how we can pray for those in the group, and then pray for your discussion and time together this week. 

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Ask and discuss the following questions.

Q: Do you agree that Jesus was a polarizing figure in his day? Why or why not. 

Q: Would this be the case if he would have come in our modern culture and time? What would make him polarizing? Please explain. 

Q: Why is a parable such a powerful and effective way to teach spiritual truths? How can we use “parables” today to share spiritual truth with others? 

Q: Read Matthew 13:24-30. What does Jesus say the Kingdom of God is like? 

Q: Read Matthew 13:36-43. What is the “good seed” that is being sown by the Son of Man? 

Q: Who are the “wheat” and the “weeds” in the passage? How does Jesus describe them? 

Q: What does the image of a “harvest” teach us about the judgement that is to come? 

Q: How should the truth of a coming judgment affect how we live and what we make a priority today? Why do we sometimes not live this way? 

Q: What does it mean when Jesus says, “He who has ears, let him hear”? How can we make sure we have “ears to hear”? 

Q: How do we know we belong to the Kingdom of Heaven? 

Q: What is your personal “take-away” from this week’s message? What is one specific thing the Lord spoke to you this week? 

Q: What is one specific “action step” you are going to take this week to apply what Jesus has taught you today? 


Jesus makes it very clear that every person is either “wheat” or “weeds” and that classification has eternal consequences. As followers of Jesus, it’s not enough to just make sure we are “wheat” (although this is of first importance) through our personal faith in Him, we are also called to help others turn from being “weeds” to “wheat” through faith. 

As you conclude your session today, have group members share the first name of a person(s) they are praying would be saved by through faith in Jesus. Take time to pray for them. Encourage group members to brainstorm and share ways they are loving those mentioned and looking for opportunities to have spiritual conversations with them. Ask the group to pray for these people over the next week and also pray for opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with them.


  • Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 / 2 Peter 3:9 / Matthew 13:31-32 / Galatians 3:26


11/15/20 Kingdom First: The Kingdom Is… Matthew 13:34-51

11/22/20 Kingdom First: Seek the Kingdom First Matthew 6:33

11/29/20 Kingdom First: Kingdom Confidence Hebrews 12:28