Week of January 24, 2021 

SERIES: Straight to the Heart      

Week #3: Hands-On-Service   

John 13:14-17


This Sunday, Pastor Brian will continue our series “Straight to the Heart.”  During this series we are looking at five things that were important to Jesus and evident in his life. These same things are also important to our church. This weekend we will focus on the important call of Hands-On-Service.  

At Bay Area Church, we are driven by the vision to saturate the 4B area with the gospel by restoring people, families, and churches. Hands-On-Service is an important way we can share the love of Jesus with people in an effort to fulfill this vision. 

Let’s take a look at one story from the life of Jesus where we see this important value in action.  


  1. This lesson is of PRIMARY IMPORTANCE.
    1. John 13:1-20
  2. Jesus is the greatest example of a humble servant. 
    1. Philippians 2:5-8 
  3. As disciples, we are called to humility and servanthood. 
    1. John 13:13-17
    2. Matthew 23:11-12

Jesus shows his disciples how to serve humbly in a very shocking way. Then he tells them to do what He has done. 


  1. We serve each other. 
  2. We serve the people of our community. 
  3. We serve anyone in our path. 


  1. One way we as a church want to serve this community is through the development of a Counseling Center that we pray opens in 2021. 
  2. What about you? 
    1. How do you serve your family? 
    2. How do you serve the body of Christ? 
    3. How do you serve the community?
    4. How do you serve anyone who comes in your path? 
  3. Want people to know Jesus? Show them who He is with your humility and servanthood. 


Martin Luther King Jr, once said, “Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve.” Serving others is not reserved for a select few. Serving others is an opportunity given to anyone who would take it. This weekend, Pastor Brian shared a message about the importance on hands-on-serving. We see this value expressed in the life of Jesus and it is something we believe to be important for our lives as well. 

There is great power and impact in serving others. Think and discuss the following questions as a group: 

  1. How has the hands-on-service of another person impacted your life? What was the need and what did they do? 
  2. What about their service was most impactful? 
  3. How did their service encourage your faith in Jesus?
  4. How did their service change the way you viewed serving others in your own life? 

Hands-on-service is a powerful thing. It not only helps with practical needs, it can also help lead people to faith or encourage those who are in the faith. Let’s talk more about the scripture and message this week. 

Pray as you move into the remainder of the discussion. 

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Ask and discuss the following questions.

Q: Read John 13:14-17. How did Jesus serve others in this passage? 

Q: What was significant about how Jesus served in this passage? Why was this shocking to the disciples?   

Q: Name other examples from the Bible where Jesus demonstrated hands-on-service.  What do all these examples teach us about serving others? 

Q: Read Philippians 2:5-8. What characteristics do we see in the life of Jesus as described by Paul in this passage? 

Q: What role does humility play in serving others? Why is humility so important to our discussion of this value?  

Q: While anyone can serve, not everyone decides to do so. What can keep us from embracing the call to serve others? How can we work to overcome these things? 

Q: How does serving others help them understand, experience, and open their hearts to the love of Jesus? 

Q: How has God used your hands-on-service to bless others? 


The truth is that according to Jesus, saved people serve people. It’s not a matter of “if” we should serve others, it’s how can we serve others. Read John 13:16-17 again. We are not greater than Jesus, so we should be willing to do as Jesus did. 

As you conclude your gathering this week, take a minute to think on these wrap-up questions: 

  1. What did you hear? 
    1. What is your one “take-away” from this week? 
  2. What do you think? 
    1. How did this passage and study affirm, challenge, or change the way you think about serving? 
    2. Would people describe you as a humble servant? 
  3. What will you do? 
    1. What is one way you can begin practicing hands-on-service this week? 

After group members think through these questions, have them share their answers to question #3. Close by praying that God will give them the opportunity, commitment, and humility to serve in these ways this next week. Encourage them to be ready to share stories of how God worked in and through them and their hands-on-service next week. 


  • John 13:1-20, Philippians 2:5-8, Matthew 23:11-12


1/24/21 Hands-on-Service John 13:14-16

1/31/21 Relentless Love John 3:16, Romans 5:8
2/7/21 Spirit and Truth Empowerment John 4:23-24