Dear Church,

These past days have been wrought with grief in the aftermath of the George Floyd murder. On Monday I spent time with African America pastors in Houston, listening for understanding. I found my brothers in Christ experiencing deep hurt, real anger, and lamenting so much that I didn’t really even understand, sadly. Conversations like these among Christ followers of different ethnicity are good in the wake of such tragedy. Some of the greatest glimmers of hope in all of this has come not from pastors but from police officers demonstrating compassion and acknowledging the injustice while standing with and protecting protestors. 

On Tuesday, June 9 George Floyd will be buried in Pearland, Texas. I encourage you to pray for the family and friends of George Floyd. From what I understand, George was a brother in Christ and his family and friends now need the body of Christ to mourn with them. The Bible teaches us to mourn with those who mourn.

This Sunday at 8:30, 10:30, and 12:30  I will preach a message called “Racism and the Kingdom of God.” One sermon isn’t enough but It is imperative right now, that the Church of Jesus Christ consider the issue of racism in clear view of the entire world. What is the church of Jesus Christ to be and do when it comes to racism? We will explore the Scriptures and examine our hearts. I implore you to gather with us online or in-person for these very important services. Registration is required if you plan on gathering with us in person this Sunday. You can find registration information or the online live stream at

I also ask that you would pray for me in two ways. First, this is a difficult message to deliver and I need wisdom that comes from God and not from myself.

Secondly, on Tuesday, June 9 I will participate in an important panel discussion called “What White People Need to Know: The George Floyd Conversation” hosted by Dr. DZ Cofield of Houston’s 3rd Ward Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church. This discussion among Houston area faith based leaders will be streamed to social media outlets. When I have the link I will stream to my own social media outlets so you can watch with the posture of people listening to understand hurting family members. Pray for me, that I will listen deeply, understand, and if I speak, that I would have the wisdom and compassion of Jesus. As a church we value gospel restoration and relentless love. My participation in this conversation is not comfortable but it’s right and in support of our values.

I love you much. I can’t wait to see you Sunday either In-Person or ONLINE. 


Pastor Brian