Dear Church,

I pray you are well and walking in the grace and peace of Christ. 

Lord willing, we will gather again as a church family to worship our Risen Lord on May 31. It will be awesome to be together again for worship but it will be different. To begin we will worship at 8:30, 10:30, and 12:30.

What you can expect on May 31:

  • Registration process for the service you will attend (Will give info soon)
  • 200-300 people seated in our worship center which normally seats 775
  • KidMin for younger preschool only (0-3years)
  • KidMin volunteers and other key volunteers wearing PPE
  • A special venue for the most vulnerable (65+ or immune deficiency)
  • 1 hour service format
  • Deep cleaning including all flat and soft surface before, during, and after each service. (We will give you a detailed cleaning plan in writing soon)
  • A ministry team really eager to see you face to face.
  • An army of voices praising Jesus
  • Hope. So much hope.

All of this hinges on Governor Abbott’s direction on May 18 and the Attorney General’s guidelines for houses of worship that follows.

We will continue and improve our ONLINE campus experience for a couple of reasons. First, we are reaching people we would never reach online. Second, you may not be ready to come back on May 31. Please hear me clearly. Regather with us WHEN YOU ARE READY. Until then you can join us online. Third, if there are stay at home orders in the future, we want our online experience to be the best it can be for you and all in your household.

We can’t wait to be together on May 31! Until then we will continue worshipping ONLINE at at 9:30 and 11:00.

Join us this Sunday, Mother’s Day, as we worship and I preach a special message with mom in mind but for everyone titled, “For all who hurt and are burdened,” from Matthew 11:28-30. 

You are so loved!

Pastor Brian