Dear Church,

I am excited to be back in the pulpit this Sunday! It is a blessing for me to open God’s Word and preach it to you, people I know and love. At the same time, I am so grateful for our team of preachers. It is good for them to preach, good for you to hear them preach, and great to develop them as we seek to restore churches in the 4B area in the future.

This weekend we start a new series (July 14 and 21) called “Do this” focused on the two ordinances given to the church by Jesus Christ; Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. I’m excited to bring biblical clarity to these often misunderstood experiences.

Looking Ahead to future Sermon Series:

July 28 – August 18 “Awkward: Candid Conversations about Home”
This series will live up to its title. It will feel “awkward” because our cultural norm and the Biblical perspective are often in tension. We will talk about Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage, Sexuality and Identity, and Entitlement.

August 25 – November 10 “Exodus: Coming out of Bondage into Promise”
We will study the book of Exodus together this Fall. I am excited to walk slowly through the book and learn deep truths of God’s steadfast love as he leads his people from slavery to the land of promise. So many truths here for our lives today.

Enjoy your weekend and I will see you Sunday. You are loved.

Pastor Brian